Der Kurs Invention Design 2 beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Technologien, analysiert ihre gesellschaftliche Relevanz und ermöglicht die Gestaltung innovativer Produkte.
In diesem Kurs geht es darum, neue Technologien zu erforschen, ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft zu untersuchen und kreative Lösungen zu entwickeln. Der Kurs bietet eine spannende Möglichkeit, Technologie, Gesellschaft und Nachhaltigkeit zu verbinden und die TeilnehmerInnen zu befähigen, die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit kreativ anzugehen.
A Service for Increasing productivity without replacing craftsmanship. During the course Invention Design 2, we decided to take a look at traditional bakeries. Now, artisan bakeries decline every year. We want to design an innovative service to help traditional bakeries to maintain their business.
Digitalisation and automation of the large bakeries and the associated disadvantage of artisan bakeries in the documentation of hygiene in production.
The number of bakeries in Germany has already halved since the turn of the millennium, to just over 9,607 at the end of 2022.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of hazards from production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.
In oder to maintain hygienic standards HACCP is mandatory in the European Union.
Artisan Bakeries depend on manual, analog methods, such as charts to track the hygienic status.
During research, we encountered several problem areas, one of which interested us the most because it did not force bakers to change anything about their craftsmanship, but rather put them at the center of it.
The problem area we face is the digitalization and automation of large bakeries and the associated disadvantage of artisan bakeries in the documentation of hygienic standards in production.BOB helps artisan bakeries by providing a smart and modular sensory system which makes the documentation as well as the inspection and monitoring of hygienic data easier. At the same time the owner can manage deliveries and distribute tasks that are shown afterwards in the production area.Bakery Managers frequently check hygiene statusWhen the scan is activated a roboter scans the room with a hyperspectral cameraBOB uses hyperspectral imaging to get insights about room hygiene. The Service feedbacks dirty spots via light