In diesem Kurs überlegten wir dieses Semester, wie ein Archiv von Gestaltungsprojekten aussehen könnte und entwickelten dafür ein imaginäres Produkt mit dem Datenbestand des Archivs der HfG.
Das Archiv ist eine historische Sammlung von Projekten von HfG-Student*innen seit 1968, und damit ein Datensatz mit vernetzten, multidimensionalen und vielseitigen Daten: Texte, Bilder, Videos, und zahlreiche Metadaten. Diesen Datenbestand von fast 6000 Projekten verwenden wir beispielhaft, um neue Arten der Darstellung und Durchsuchbarkeit von digitalen Archiven zu entwerfen und das Potential digitaler Technologien zu erforschen und zu nutzen, um eine Zeitreise durch das Archiv zu ermöglichen.
Die Student*innen erarbeiteten in Gruppen zu dritt in einem iterativen Ideen- und Konzeptentwicklungsprozess die Informationsarchitektur, Interaktionskonzepte, eine visuelle Sprache und Prototypen. Die Ergebnisse werden im Videoformat präsentiert.
The most basic form of rhythm therapy is dancing along to music. This action engages the body, providing the brain with a moment to unwind. Rhythmic therapy manifests in various forms, but the key is to induce a trance-like state through movement or some form of interaction with your environment. These should feel effortlessly, allowing the mind to lightly engage without excessive cognitive strain.
Music + reactiveinteraction = relaxation
Ai powered music-generator with live interaction, specifically created for relaxation
Aha Moment
Relax at your own pace and with an original experience. Everytime you need it.
Question zero
how can we suggest music to people, including those with ADHD or autism that lifts their mood and relaxes their mind?
-> App for relaxation of the mind
-> Unique / personalised experience
-> Give the user options to relax
-> Interactive elements
-> Options to save the tracks
⠀ Main page
The initial start screen showed a comfortable atmosphere. It starts with an interaction with the rhythm therapy logo.
Quick relieve
The quick live section consists of three parts: sleep, relax, and concentrate. You can choose what you want and listen to the music that suits you.
My collection
My collection section, you can store and listen to songs you are interested in by type.
Guide page
A guide loading page to start the game. This page tells you to close your eyes and turn your phone.
Relaxed game
You can choose the type of game you want from two games. Anyone can see how you can play the game with the game guide. A calming version of the game allows you to play your own music with one touch with your eyes closed.
Active game
You can choose the type of game you want from two games. Anyone can see how you can play the game with the game guide. An active version of the game allows the brain to be activated by touching the music.