Studierende lernten, die User Experience durch einen ganzheitlichen Designprozess zu gestalten, beginnend mit der Problemdefinition bis hin zum Smartphone-App-Prototyp.
Im Mittelpunkt stand die Gestaltung optimaler Nutzererlebnisse unter Verwendung von UX-Designmethoden. Der Prozess umfasste User Research, Konzeptentwicklung, Entwürfe und das Prototyping, speziell ausgerichtet auf die Entwicklung einer App für Smartphones. Die Projekte waren jeweils zugeschnitten auf spezifische Anwendungsbereiche wie Gesundheit, Organisation oder Produktivität.
Inhalt des Faches
Die Teilnehmenden des Kurses erwarben methodische und analytische Fähigkeiten, um UX-Designkonzepte effektiv umzusetzen. Sie lernten, Nutzerforschungsmethoden wie User Journeys, Experten- und Konsumentenbefragungen oder Stakeholdermaps anzuwenden, um Anforderungen zu analysieren und unterschiedliche Nutzergruppen zu definieren. Durch die Anwendung von Designmethoden wurde ein iterativer Gestaltungsprozess durchlaufen, in dem Prototypen verschiedener Ausarbeitungsgrade erstellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Benutzbarkeit und Usability getestet wurden. Als Ergebnis setzten die Studierenden eine App für Smartphones prototypisch um, mit dem Ziel, ein tiefes Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Nutzererfahrung in der Gestaltung von Anwendungen zu vermitteln und sie zu befähigen, intuitive und ansprechende Benutzeroberflächen zu gestalten.
Our app, ‘Fresh Find’, aims to help people become more interested in local food and make it more accessible. Our two main target groups are people interested in local food who work during the day and want to easily pick up fresh vegetables and fruits after work, and part-time farmers or hobby farmers who need support with selling their produce.
We decided to create a concept that combines a smartphone application with a locker system, a concept familiar to many of us from picking up packages from Amazon Lockers or DHL Lockers.
More and more people are interested in making responsible choices and choosing sustainable agriculture and local products. However, despite the growing interest, there is a lack of information about local products for people interested in buying local food, and accessing information about available local food might not be easy and could pose challenges.
Hobby or unprofessional farmers are looking to grow crops that have a positive impact on the environment and minimise chemical emissions, but it is difficult for them to navigate the selling process effectively and to find practical ways to sell their produce because they have limited production capacity.
In this regard, we have adopted the ‘Locker’ system to offer consumers and farmers a better purchasing and sales system.
Design System
The name Fresh Find refers to finding fresh local food. We created a logo in the shape of a leaf using the location icon shape and the letter F, which refers to ‘Fresh Find’. We used the Pretendard Font, which is easy to read on small screens. We chose green as the main color and bright green as the sub-colour.
We chose playful illustrations with a bright colour palette and rounded shapes to create a friendly and appealing look. The use of shadows and highlights creates a slight 3D effect that adds depth to the otherwise flat design. The pictograms are built from basic geometric shapes and emphasise a clean aesthetic, with rounded corners that give a user-friendly style.
UI - Farmer
Farmers can find lockers around them through local search. Also, in the locker detail, farmers can check how many locker boxes are left and which products are in the locker. In the product detail page, they can check product information, consumer reviews, and recipe information. They can modify information such as sales period and price through the edit information button.
My Food
In ‘My Food’, they can check their on-sale products and completed sales. And through the QR code button, they can register or remove products in front of the locker. The lockers are provided with cameras that recognise the type of product. This allows the app to automatically enter basic product information. The app also recommends a price suitable for the current market situation, reducing manual typing for farmers. Through QR code, farmers can remove their product.
My Profile
In the profile page, farmers can check the payment history and sales status through sales information, where they can review both the sold amount and the amount in lockers.
UI - Consumer
Consumers can find nearby locker products based on their location. The app shows the most recently uploaded products to suit local food consumers who value freshness. Consumers can also find products using lists and maps. They can also use filter functions such as price, organic, etc. In the product detail page, consumers can see basic information about the product, recipes, and reviews from other app users.
My Food
In ‘My Food’, consumers can see a list of products purchased by themselves. After buying a product, they can go directly to the locker and scan the QR code to link it to the locker. Then, they can take the purchased items out of the locker.
My Profile
In the profile page, consumers can check their purchase history and their favourite or saved products.