Die Studierenden haben anhand eines frei wählbaren Themas neue Konzepte für Produkt-Service-Systeme entwickelt, die unter anderem neben Formen der haptischen Interaktion auch digitale Komponenten und Prozesse berücksichtigen.
Zum Vorgehen
Dazu wurden entsprechende Arbeitsabläufe recherchiert und analysiert, Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen verschiedenen Nutzer*innengruppen und analogen wie digitalen Produkten aufgezeigt, um entsprechende Entwicklungspotentiale zu identifizieren.
Wir haben uns dabei mit unterschiedlichen Modalitäten von Interaktion auseinandergesetzt und anhand der jeweiligen Projektthemen neue Lösungsoptionen erarbeitet. Der Arbeitsprozess umfasste User Research, Anforderungsdefinition, Lösungsentwicklung / Prototyping sowie die Evaluation und Präsentation neuer interaktiver Systeme.
Lumos is a comprehensive and innovative system that addresses the specific needs of bicycle food delivery drivers. By combining advanced navigation, rear camera functionality, smart LED lights, and a user-friendly interface, we aim to simplify their daily operations, increase their safety on the road, and ultimately improve their overall delivery experience.
Why food delivery biker?
Food delivery has seen a significant surge in recent years, with a growing demand for convenient and efficient delivery services. Riders face distinct challenges on the road, such as navigating through traffic, ensuring in time deliveries, and maintaining their own safety. By addressing these pain points, we aim to enhance their overall experience and improve their efficiency. Lastly, by focusing on food delivery bikers, we can contribute to making urban delivery operations more sustainable and environmentally friendly, aligning with the increasing demand for eco-conscious solutions.
Features to improve security and navigation
LED light rings
Blind Spot Detection
The handlebar features four LED rings on each side for a quickly recognizable signal, designed to convey crucial information.
Our top priority is to alert the riders when they are in a car’s blind spot or when a vehicle is approaching too closely. In such scenarios, the corresponding side of the handlebar illuminates in vibrant red, serving as a clear warning to the rider to exercise caution and remain attentive.
The turning light signal acts as a navigation aid, displaying a blinking animation from the inner to the outer ring, guiding the rider on when to make turns.
Furthermore there is a lock and unlock light animation, providing the rider with visual assurance that the bike is securely locked or unlocked when they place or remove their phone from the mount.
Rear view camera
Rear view camera
Under the saddle, there is a rear-facing camera that serves as a rearview mirror.
This feature aims to provide additional safety for the cyclists on the road, as they don’t have to turn their bodies backward, which can be dangerous, especially when carrying a heavy backpack.
Buttons on the handlebar
The handlebar is equipped with two sets of buttons. On the left side, there are two arrow-shaped buttons, one pointing upward and the other pointing downward. These buttons serve to switch between different bike engine modes. On the right side, there are also two arrow buttons, similar to the ones on the left side, accompanied by a larger square button. The arrow buttons are used to navigate through the various app views, while the larger button is specifically designed to activate the rear camera view.
App Screens
Hand view app screensBike view app screens (activated as soon as the phone is attached on the mount)