In this class we focus on learning programming as a tool to create, prototype and visualize.
This semester the final projects are memories.
Let’s Play!
In this class we cover basic programming elements such as variables, loops, conditions and classic algorithms. As well we cover complexity, prioritization and framing which is especially important in a creative and innovative context.
In diesem Projekt ging es darum mithilfe von HTML, CSS und JavaScript ein Memory-Spiel zu programmieren.
Die Gestaltung des Inhalts wurde dabei mir überlassen.
Als Inspiration für mein Sightseeing Memory diente meine Instagram Seite dessen Bilder ich auch verwendete.
Create a playing field of cards of 20 pairs shuffled and laid out in a grid of 8x5 cards with their backs facing the player.
Let the player click on a card to turn it on the face side. The player cannot turn a card that is face up on its back.
When a player has turned two cards on their face side, compare their symbol: if the symbol is the same, remove the cards from the game, otherwise turn them on their back again.
Choose the symbols or images on the face side of the cards to your own liking.
Create a responsive design, so that when the screen size changes, everything stays visible and is accessible by the player.
Allow the player to restart the game without reloading the page.
Keep score of how many cards or pairs the player has successfully collected and display the score.
Add a timer that starts running as soon, as the game is started and stops as soon as the player has collected the last pair.
Add animations for:
flipping a card
collecting a matching pair
initially dealing out the cards
Allow the player to select a difficulty
Add sound effects
flipping a card
collecting a pair
dealing cards
Display a win screen with the achieved score and used time for the player.
Das habe ich gelernt:
Ich konnte, abseits von Grundkenntnissen in den Programmiersprachen, mit diesem Projekt vor allem lernen Systematisch zu coden. Ein Grundgerüst aufzubauen und erst nach und nach weitere Funktionen zu implementieren ist sehr viel einfacher als einen Code runter zu schreiben der von Anfang an alles beinhalten soll.