Der Kurs befasst sich mit der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung,
die im Kontext von Ausstellungen, Museen oder Messen Wissensgebiete verständlich
erfahrbar macht.
Inhalt des Faches Ziel ist das Kennenlernen grundlegender Zusammenhänge im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Informationsgestaltung. Die Studenten befassen sich mit grundlegenden Interaktionsformen und medienspezifischen Gestaltungsproblemen, der Beziehung von Text, Bild und Animation sowie der protoypischem Umsetzung oder Simulation solcher Anwendungen.
The Carboniferous and Permian periods, occurring from 358 to 252 million years ago, represent the latter stages of the Paleozoic Era. These periods are characterized by significant geological and biological changes, including the formation of vast coal deposits and the emergence of early reptiles, culminating in the largest extinction event in Earth’s history at the end of the Permian.
Project Objective
The aim of this project is to develop an interactive digital exhibition that explores the largest extinction event in Earth’s history. The exhibition will offer an immersive experience through innovative technologies such as projectors and interactive touch functionalities.
The project features a sequence of 5 screens in chronological order, each highlighting pivotal stages of the Carbon and Perm periods. Each screen showcases six key facts about climate, flora, fauna, paleontology, or timeframe, providing a detailed insight into each period. Users can interact by rotating the surface to navigate through time, gaining a visual representation of how Earth evolved and what its environments were like across different eras. This design not only documents the development of the system but also offers a compelling exploration of historical progression, enhancing understanding through interactive engagement.
Key Features
Projection from the top: The projector will display various screens onto a rotating surface.
Integration of Environment + Earth: Shows Earth’s history and environment, with period facts on the surface and previews of past environments in the center, enhancing understanding of ecological changes.
Environmental Sound: Users can hear ambient sounds that enrich the environment’s historical atmosphere.
Rotating Surface: A rotating table with three handles that helps user travel through time.
User Journey:
We picture a diverse range of users interacting with it, sparking conversations as they rotate the table. Each geological period projected by the beamer invites users to envision what life was like then and discuss the significant changes in our environment over time. It’s not just a tool but an educational journey, encouraging exchanges about historical landscapes and environmental transformations.
Each screen is divided into three sections to help the understading of every period. As you rotate through each timeframe, a changing color indicates how many years ago are you in on the outside ring. The middle ring, which rotates, presents six distinct facts accompanied by relevant icons. Finally, at the center, a video showcases environments ranging from lush with plant life and reptile eggs during the Carboniferous period to glaciers and arid landscapes in the Permian era.
Our interactive exhibition explores the Carbon and Perm periods, marking the end of the Paleozoic Era (358-252 million years ago). Using projectors and interactive touch features, users engage with a chronological sequence of screens, gaining insights into Earth’s evolution and ecological transformations.