Der Kurs befasst sich mit der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung,
die im Kontext von Ausstellungen, Museen oder Messen Wissensgebiete verständlich
erfahrbar macht.
Inhalt des Faches Ziel ist das Kennenlernen grundlegender Zusammenhänge im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Informationsgestaltung. Die Studenten befassen sich mit grundlegenden Interaktionsformen und medienspezifischen Gestaltungsproblemen, der Beziehung von Text, Bild und Animation sowie der protoypischem Umsetzung oder Simulation solcher Anwendungen.
In our Interactive Communication Systems 1 course this summer semester, we were tasked with developing an interactive system based on an informational page from an encyclopedia, suitable for various types of exhibitions, such as those in a museum. As the title suggests, we received a page about Ice Age mammals. In the following images of the process, we will show you how we processed the information given to us about Ice Age mammals.
Our concept allows visitors to become archaeologists, engaging in mini-games and challenges to discover and identify parts of a mysterious animal’s skull, gradually revealing its identity.
We would like to start by briefly showing our initial drawings and the first prototype, and then present the resulting design outcome.
These variations were all combined into this version.
After finalizing the design, we began constructing the map and designing the panel, which the visitor/user can operate to navigate through the information.
Panel construction
Map construction
Visual Representations & Components
To define our illustration style, we aimed to appeal to our target group, making it attractive for young visitors. We initially developed a more realistic style using the program Procreate, then transitioned to a more cartoonish style using Illustrator. After evaluating both variants, we decided on a combination of both styles.
We chose to continue creating additional memory cards with Procreate, as using Illustrator proved to be significantly time-consuming.
Style guide
Color Palette:
Our color palette consists of a range of greens, from dark green to light green, complemented by a light yellow. This selection enhances the natural theme and adds visual depth to the design.
We employ two distinct font types to enhance our interactive exhibition. For titles and headings, we use “Lacquer”, a font that offers a handwritten feel while maintaining readability. This choice helps highlight key sections and draws attention effectively.
For body text, we utilize “Kulim Park”, a sans-serif typeface known for its round, vibrant, and legible design, ensuring a comfortable reading experience. Additionally, we use a smaller, italicized version of “Kulim Park” for instructional text. This formatting emphasizes actions and encourages user interaction with specific elements, such as pressing buttons or manipulating control figures.