Der Kurs befasst sich mit der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung,
die im Kontext von Ausstellungen, Museen oder Messen Wissensgebiete verständlich
erfahrbar macht.
Inhalt des Faches Ziel ist das Kennenlernen grundlegender Zusammenhänge im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Informationsgestaltung. Die Studenten befassen sich mit grundlegenden Interaktionsformen und medienspezifischen Gestaltungsproblemen, der Beziehung von Text, Bild und Animation sowie der protoypischem Umsetzung oder Simulation solcher Anwendungen.
With our exhibit, we want to provide visitors with information about the human head in a simple and playful way.
First we started to draw several sketches in which we sketched several concepts and finally decided on one of them.
First sketch puzzle idea
When we were satisfied with the basic concept, we built a paper prototype to test our concept.
Paper prototype
When we realized that our concept worked, we built the screens in Figma and took care of the technology on the side. We laser-cut our puzzle pieces twice from a wooden panel and then glued them together and added magnets. We reused the plate from which we laser-cut the puzzle pieces and built a frame around it to create a raised area so that the technology could fit underneath. We used 2 Arduino boards, as well as reed contacts and copper tape.
Puzzle piecesFrameTechnique
Final concept
We illustrated our puzzle pieces in Illustrator, as well as our close-up views. We animated the animations in AfterEffects.
Puzzle pieces
In our color palette, we made sure that there are two contrasting colors to highlight the buttons with the red, for example. We also made sure to keep the illustrations in the same color palette so that they convey a sense of togetherness.
We have decided to divide our puzzle pieces into chapters. When you start the quiz, there is an introductory question where you place a puzzle piece that matches the question. Once the correct piece has been placed, you start this chapter and 2 questions follow. You always have 3 possible answers with A, B and C buttons. When you press one of the buttons, the colors indicate whether it is correct or incorrect. The buttons disappear and the answer options are moved downwards. A close-up view appears with labels to the right of the head and information to the left. Then another button appears which takes you to the next question. The principle is the same for each part. Our quiz is projected onto our wooden board using a projector.
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