Es sollen Produkte ausgearbeitet werden, welche neue und verbesserte Wege in anwendungstechnischer, ästhetischer und nachhaltiger Hinsicht aufzeigen.
Die Windkraft ist eine der vielversprechensten regenerativen Energiequellen. Sie ist überall verfügbar und auf einem hohen technologischen Stand. Große Windräder sind mittlerweile überall in der Landschaft verteilt.
Zeitgleich ist die Kritik an diesen Großanlagen nicht mehr verstummt. Von visueller Umweltverschmutzung ist die Rede, von Lärmbelästigung und von grossem baulichen Aufwand. Ist diese Kritik berechtigt?
Wie lassen sich Anlagen gestalterisch besser in die Umwelt integrieren? Welche modularen Kleinanlagen können entstehen, wenn sie beispielsweise für den Privathaushalt oder für den Freizeitbereich entwickelt werden? Können Windanlagen direkt in die Architektur von Gebäuden integriert werden?
In diesem Semester suchen wir neben neuen Ansätzen der gestalterischen Ausprägung auch innovative Konzepte zur Nutzung der Windkraft.
Wind power is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. It is available everywhere and is at a high technological level. Large wind turbines are now scattered all over the landscape.
At the same time, criticism of these large-scale plants has not ceased. There is talk of visual and noise pollution and of great construction effort. Is this criticism justified?
How can constructions be better integrated into the environment in terms of design? What modular small-scale systems can be created if they are developed for private homes or for recreational use, for example? Can wind turbines be integrated directly into the architecture of buildings?
This semester, we are looking for new approaches to design as well as new innovative concepts for the use of wind power.
This concept deals with the of pop-up greenhouses. The aim was to create a tent-like structure, which is actively filled by air pressure and can be placed minimal use of materials.
Pop-Up greenhouse consists of the foil outer skin, flexible base and wind station.The outer skin is made of ETFE foil and forms chambers, which are filled with a pressure of 0.0035 bar. Due to the pressure in the chambers, the typical shape of the structure is formed.
mockup rendering
The outer skin only provides a space structure, the ground underneath can be used directly or raised beds can be placed inside.
Alternatively, the whole concept can be used for other purposes e.g. excavations or sport events.
wind station
The wind station houses the generator, batteries and compressors. Compressed air hoses can be connected to the station and electricity can be taken from it. At the beginning the dome is filled once, the compressors supply the dome afterwards constantly with low pressure.
The accumulators provide capacity for about 30kWh and are installed in a rack system.The whole station stands on a poured concrete foundation base.
concept 2: diy sauna
After a long experiment phase we wanted to give our inflatables a usecase. After a idea phase we came up with the sauna concept. We built a structure which is powered by a fan heater. The structure is more detailt explaint in the documentation.
One detail is a simple air lock wich keeps the structure tight even if a person phases the air lock.
How to get the heat in the structur?
You can put granite stone in a fire. Granite stone will take the energy from the fire without bursting. This is important to know because other stones in a fire can get dangerous. After a heating phase the granite stone get shoveld into a steel bucket. The filled bucket can now be carried in the inflatable.
sauna infusions
Arriving in the inflatable you can enjoy a really good sauna experience. With mint leaves or fir branches on the granit stones the sauna infusions get even better.