Studierende lernten, die User Experience durch einen ganzheitlichen Designprozess zu gestalten, beginnend mit der Problemdefinition bis hin zum App-Prototypen.
Im Mittelpunkt stand die Gestaltung optimaler Nutzererlebnisse unter Verwendung von UX-Designmethoden. Der Prozess umfasste User Research, Konzeptentwicklung, Entwürfe und das Prototyping, speziell ausgerichtet auf die Entwicklung einer App für Smartphones. Die Projekte waren jeweils zugeschnitten auf spezifische Anwendungsbereiche wie Gesundheit, Organisation oder Produktivität.
Inhalt des Faches
Die Teilnehmenden des Kurses erwarben methodische und analytische Fähigkeiten, um UX-Designkonzepte effektiv umzusetzen. Sie lernten, Nutzerforschungsmethoden wie User Journeys, Experten- und Konsumentenbefragungen oder Stakeholdermaps anzuwenden, um Anforderungen zu analysieren und unterschiedliche Nutzergruppen zu definieren. Durch die Anwendung von Designmethoden wurde ein iterativer Gestaltungsprozess durchlaufen, in dem Prototypen verschiedener Ausarbeitungsgrade erstellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Benutzbarkeit und Usability getestet wurden. Als Ergebnis setzten die Studierenden eine App für Smartphones oder Tablet prototypisch um, mit dem Ziel, ein tiefes Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Nutzererfahrung in der Gestaltung von Anwendungen zu vermitteln und sie zu befähigen, intuitive und ansprechende Benutzeroberflächen zu gestalten.
During the UX design course we learned a lot about different methods. After we found a target group and figure out all the functions we needed for our App, we created 50/50.
In the end, our app called “50/50” is ready to help your bar to get on the next level! Since we still focused on having as much non alcoholic drinks as alcoholics drinks in our app we decided for the name 50/50 to show that we have a large variable of drinks. We think we can help bartenders to get even more creative with their drinks and also remember the drinks from their favourite guests. As well as we can help new bartenders to not be afraid of getting started with easy step by step recipies. The bar itself can also have their inventory saved in the app so you always know what you need to buy and what is empty and it helps to organise your bar easier.
The primary buttons have a clear shape and stand out with their bright colors. This is supported by their 3d effect, which makes them stand out even more, but also gives them a somewhat oldschool style. The AI recommendations use the same basis, but their shadows are blurred because they are only suggestions and should therefore not be too prominent. The secondary buttons are white. They are available with a shadow and without one. Both of these design change from on outlined design to a falt coloured one when pressed. Finally, there are the buttons that show their activity or inactivity by changing the colour of a line. These are mainly found in the drink overviews and the navigationbar.
In the beginning we decided to use dark colors especially for the background, because in a bar or at a restaurant you will have a moody atmophere so the tablet will fit in perfectly. The whole design is easy to follow and not to complicated. It needs to have a quick acess so you can find everything very quick during the rush hours. On of the main features is also the hands free mode so you can keep working even you are busy and you can not wash your hands after every step you followed.