Semantische Wirkung eines Parfum Flakons
Zu gestalten ist ein Flakon auf Basis verschiedener Adjektive unter Berücksichtigung der semantischen Wirkung auf die Betrachtenden.
Die Studierenden erlernen anhand der Aufgabe ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis für die semantische Wirkung von Form-Farbe-Material-Kombinationen. Dazu wählen die Studierenden ein Adjektiv (z.B. elegant, leicht oder sportlich) aus einem Wort-Pool aus, analysieren, diskutieren und bewerten die Wortbedeutung anhand von Mindmaps und ergänzen diese durch Material-Moodboards. Basierend auf dieser Analyse entwerfen die Studierenden ein Flakon, welches die semantische Wirkung des jeweiligen Adjektivs durch Formsprache, Farbe und Material repräsentiert. Die dokumentarische Begleitung des Prozesses dienen als ergänzende Übung.
Our task was designing a perfume bottle, beginning by selecting an adjective from a provided list.
We chose the word “lightweight” as our guiding concept.
Our mission - to create a perfume bottle that truly embodies the essence of lightness.
We began by exploring materials and forms that convey a sense of delicacy and airiness.
In our design, we aimed to incorporate elements such
as thin walls, minimalist structures and airy shapes to enhance both the visual and physical lightness of the bottle.
We experimented with graceful lines and elegant curves to suggest weightlessness and fluidity.
Ergonomics were also a priority, ensuring the bottle feels comfortable and easy to hold emphasizing a feather-light touch.
Throughout the process, we documented our design journey, detailing the materials, shapes, and techniques we explored.
Our final product aims to be a harmonious representation of lightness in every aspect, reflecting our chosen adjective and our commitment to innovative design.
The entire process, from initial concepts to the final design, was a journey of exploration and innovation. Guided by the idea of “lightweight,” we meticulously crafted a perfume bottle that not only captures this essence but also tells a story through its form and materials. The final result is a harmonious blend of clear and sky blue frosted glass, creating a visual and tactile experience that reflects the ethereal qualities we set out to achieve. This perfume bottle stands as a testament to our commitment to design excellence, embodying the delicate balance between form, function, and inspiration.