Semantische Wirkung eines Parfum Flakons
Zu gestalten ist ein Flakon auf Basis verschiedener Adjektive unter Berücksichtigung der semantischen Wirkung auf die Betrachtenden.
Die Studierenden erlernen anhand der Aufgabe ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis für die semantische Wirkung von Form-Farbe-Material-Kombinationen. Dazu wählen die Studierenden ein Adjektiv (z.B. elegant, leicht oder sportlich) aus einem Wort-Pool aus, analysieren, diskutieren und bewerten die Wortbedeutung anhand von Mindmaps und ergänzen diese durch Material-Moodboards. Basierend auf dieser Analyse entwerfen die Studierenden ein Flakon, welches die semantische Wirkung des jeweiligen Adjektivs durch Formsprache, Farbe und Material repräsentiert. Die dokumentarische Begleitung des Prozesses dienen als ergänzende Übung.
Students learn a profound understanding of the semantic effect of shape-color-material combinations based on the task. To do this, students select an adjective (e.g. elegant, light or sporty) from a word pool, analyze, discuss and evaluate the meaning of the word using mind maps and supplement these with material mood boards. Based on this analysis, the students design a perfume bottle that represents the semantic effect of the respective adjective through form language, color and material. The documentary monitoring of the process serve as a supplementary exercise.
To be eye-catching means to attract strong attention or to be easily noticed. This can be achieved through striking colors, unusual shapes, distinctive patterns, or noticeable behavior. An eye-catching object or person stands out from the surroundings and is therefore perceived quickly and intensely.
By combining matcha-green and bright orange, we create a visual appeal and color harmony, making the colors appear dynamic and harmonious. Additionally, green and orange are complementary colors, which enhances their contrast and makes each color stand out more vividly.
The perfume features spiked gap indentations as finger rests - 4 at the top and 1 at the bottom, allowing for a cofortable grip. By simply squeezing, the fragrance is sprayed.
(s) are unusual in everyday life. In nature, spiky forms appear in animals and plants like cacti, hedgehogs, and the African cucumber (Kiwano), often signaling protection or defense, which draws attention. For us humans spiky shapes are associated with exoticism and uniqueness and these surfaces in-vite touch, adding a tactile dimension. Furthermore their many edges reflect light differently, creating visual depth and dynamism.