Digital Diaries: wir beschäftigen uns mit digitalen Tagebüchern – Tracking, Dokumentation, Selbstreflexion.
Digitale Tagebücher begegnen uns in Form von Social-Media-Feeds, Fitness- und Health-Trackern oder persönlichen Notizen. Während Self-Optimisation ein Mega-Trend ist, gibt es gleichzeitig eine Bewegung hin zu mehr Privatsphäre.
Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Auseinandersetzung mit digitalen Tagebüchern und deren Benutzeroberflächen: Welche Interaktionsformen gibt es? Wie kann man Motivation erzeugen? Wie gelingt eine einfache Eingabe? Wie werden Daten organisiert und visualisiert? Welche Inhalte sind relevant?
Die Studierenden definieren eigene Problemstellungen und bearbeiten sie in Gruppen (2–4 Personen). Das Endergebnis wird als Klickdummy und Projektvideo präsentiert.
Fighting cancer as a patient is an emotional process. There are drastic experiences such as diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy, visits from friends and family and physical changes in addition to the psychological rollercoaster. As this process is very stressful for the psyche, the app helps patients to write down their thoughts, track side effects and communicate indirectly with specified people.
TYYNI is a finish word and means still and often used to describe a peaceful atmosphere, like a calm lake or sea for the sailers. We decided to use this word for our app because it should also bring a little peace and quiet to the process for patients.
functions diary the user can create a new post which is automatically saved with the current date and can be favored or shared with a specified person. When the submission is complete, popes up a message that the post has been shared. In the overview, users can filter their entries by date and/or favorites to find the desired posts more quickly.
breathing exercise first asks the user how often they would like to do it, then which position they should get in, and then guides the user through the breathing. The user can stop this exercise at any time. At the end, the user is asked how they are feeling in order to create more awareness of the effects of the exercise.
side effects the user can select their symptoms and use the plus button to enter and save their own symptoms. Under Statistics, they can view their past side effects.