Studierende lernten, die User Experience durch einen ganzheitlichen Designprozess zu gestalten, beginnend mit der Problemdefinition bis hin zum App-Prototypen.
Im Mittelpunkt stand die Gestaltung optimaler Nutzererlebnisse unter Verwendung von UX-Designmethoden. Der Prozess umfasste User Research, Konzeptentwicklung, Entwürfe und das Prototyping, speziell ausgerichtet auf die Entwicklung einer App für Smartphones. Die Projekte waren jeweils zugeschnitten auf spezifische Anwendungsbereiche wie Gesundheit, Organisation oder Produktivität.
Inhalt des Faches
Die Teilnehmenden des Kurses erwarben methodische und analytische Fähigkeiten, um UX-Designkonzepte effektiv umzusetzen. Sie lernten, Nutzerforschungsmethoden wie User Journeys, Experten- und Konsumentenbefragungen oder Stakeholdermaps anzuwenden, um Anforderungen zu analysieren und unterschiedliche Nutzergruppen zu definieren. Durch die Anwendung von Designmethoden wurde ein iterativer Gestaltungsprozess durchlaufen, in dem Prototypen verschiedener Ausarbeitungsgrade erstellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Benutzbarkeit und Usability getestet wurden. Als Ergebnis setzten die Studierenden eine App für Smartphones oder Tablet prototypisch um, mit dem Ziel, ein tiefes Verständnis für die Bedeutung der Nutzererfahrung in der Gestaltung von Anwendungen zu vermitteln und sie zu befähigen, intuitive und ansprechende Benutzeroberflächen zu gestalten.
Managing tasks can be overwhelming—especially for individuals with ADHD, who often struggle with task initiation, prioritization, and follow-through. Traditional to-do list apps assume users can self-organize, but ADHD minds work differently.
This is where our app comes in. Designed specifically for neurodivergent users, our AI-powered productivity assistant helps break down projects into smaller, more manageable steps. Through smart prioritization and an interactive chat feature, the app provides structure and motivation without feeling overwhelming.
By integrating flexible task management and an ADHD-friendly design, we aim to make productivity more accessible, engaging, and stress-free. Our goal is to empower users to tackle their tasks with confidence, one step at a time.
Onboarding-process; Personalization
Problem Statement
At the beginning of our project, we explored various challenges related to task management and productivity, particularly for individuals with ADHD/ADD. The main issues they face include difficulties in breaking down complex projects, prioritizing tasks effectively, maintaining motivation, and overcoming procrastination. Traditional to-do list apps often fail to accommodate these unique cognitive needs, making productivity a frustrating experience rather than a helpful tool.
With the core design goal of developing an app that specifically supports neurodivergent users, our research and analysis led us to focus on creating an AI-powered productivity assistant.
Research and Analysis
At the start of our project, we aimed to break down the challenges of task management for individuals with ADHD/ADD into smaller, more specific issues to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. Through our research, we identified that these challenges stem from both internal and external factors. Internal struggles include difficulties with focus, task initiation, and motivation, while external factors, such as inflexible productivity tools and overwhelming task structures, further contribute to feelings of frustration and paralysis.
To better understand our users’ needs, we conducted interviews and used affinity diagramming to categorize our findings. We identified key pain points such as procrastination, difficulty breaking down complex projects, and the struggle to stay engaged with traditional to-do lists. Based on this analysis, we formulated “How Might We” questions, engaged in brainstorming sessions, and applied methods like the Six Thinking Hats to explore various solutions.
Using these insights, we prioritized our ideas using a Prioritization Grid, balancing impact and feasibility. It became clear that task breakdown, motivation, and flexibility were the most critical aspects to address. This led us to the concept of an AI-powered to-do list app that helps users by dynamically breaking down tasks, providing motivation through gamification, and allowing flexible task management across different devices.
Through this structured research approach, we refined our concept into an interactive prototype designed specifically for ADHD users, ensuring that our final solution aligns with their unique needs and habits.
Main Features
Our app offers the following core features and functionalities:
AI-Powered Project Workflow Generation
Upon opening the app, users can instantly generate a structured workflow for their projects. By uploading a picture, recording audio, or writing a brief description, the AI automatically breaks tasks down into smaller steps, sets deadlines, and prioritizes actions. The workflow adapts dynamically to the user’s personal schedule, factoring in classes, work, downtime, and ADHD-friendly pacing.
Flow of adding a task through a chat with the AI
AI-Driven Task Planning and Completion
The app seamlessly integrates with external tools to provide context-aware scheduling. By syncing with calendars, health data, and location, it predicts the best times for focused work, breaks, and task transitions, ensuring that productivity aligns with energy levels and daily routines.
Allowing the app to sync with other applications; In this case with your contacts
AI-Powered Smart Scheduling
With intelligent time optimization, the app analyzes the user’s calendar, task urgency, and personal energy patterns to create a balanced daily plan. By considering both productivity needs and essential rest periods, it ensures that users can stay on track without feeling overwhelmed.