Der Kurs befasst sich mit der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung,
die im Kontext von Ausstellungen, Museen oder Messen Wissensgebiete verständlich
erfahrbar macht.
Inhalt des Faches Ziel ist das Kennenlernen grundlegender Zusammenhänge im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Informationsgestaltung. Die Studenten befassen sich mit grundlegenden Interaktionsformen und medienspezifischen Gestaltungsproblemen, der Beziehung von Text, Bild und Animation sowie der protoypischem Umsetzung oder Simulation solcher Anwendungen.
Explore the wonders of Neptune and Pluto in our interactive exhibition.
Our Goal & Core Message
We want people to feel like an explorer of the universe’s wonders. They have the chance to navigate through the information by themselves and discover Neptune and Pluto’s mystery. Compare their differences and dive into fascinating experience, which inspires to a lasting interest and curiosity in the universe.
In the course “Interactive Communication Systems,” we designed an exhibition about Neptune and Pluto. In our exhibition, users explore the planets physically and can also receive more information about them through a tablet. With the tablet, users can scan the planet, and the adventure begins.
The planet scanning process utilizes an NFC chip embedded within the planet and an RFID scanner to read this NFC chip. The RFID scanner is connected to an Arduino, which in turn is linked to the tablet. Each NFC chip contains unique codes that trigger different paths in Figma. So, when you scan Pluto, for example, you receive specific information about this planet. As soon as the user wants to “fly” to an other planet the user can do so.
The screens provide users with information about each planet, covering various aspects such as rotation, facts, structure, and moons. Users can navigate through this information at their own pace and in any order they choose. The knowledge presented on the screens is visualized using animations and visuals to enhance understanding, improve the learning experience, and make it enjoyable. Additionally, at the end, there is a quiz where users can test their knowledge and compare the planets.