Die Nutzung eines vermeintlich simplen Produkts wird von Studierenden dokumentiert.
Wie nutzerfreundlich ist ein Produkt?
Die äußere Form eines Interaction Mappings ermöglicht die schnelle Erfassung einzelner Bedienschritte, Probleme und auch erste Erkenntnisse. Den Studierenden wird die Wichtigkeit der Analyse kleinster Interaktionen für einen erfolgreichen Designprozess näher gebracht. Durch die visuell möglichst klare Aufbereitung des Mappings werden Grundlagen vermittelt.
Kai Wanschura, Maximilian Schulist, Johanna Wellnitz, Mark Meyer
Mini Rice Cooker| Interaction Map
In our IDENT course, each student selected a lesser-known device for first-user testing. The process involved filming, analyzing, and evaluating the user testing using an interaction map, with the final findings presented on an insights poster.
The test subject’s task was to prepare a portion of rice using a small rice cooker. During the first use, the subject was instructed to think out loud. Open observation allowed us to capture all moments of confusion, errors, frustration, as well as insights, satisfaction, and learning points from the test subject’s experience.
User Journey
Using a large roll of paper, a marker, and sticky notes, the first-use interaction was transcribed.
Each sticky note, differentiated by color, represented specific elements: activities (Doing), time (Time), thoughts (Thinking/Saying), emotions (Feeling), and key moments (Moments of Truth).
The operating process was analyzed as accurately as possible, and the process was repeated if needed to ensure no information was missed.
After the evaluation, we planned how to represent the collected information on a DIN A1 poster.
I ultimately chose a more detailed approach while omitting unnecessary elements.
For me, it was crucial to convey the functionality of the mini rice cooker on one side and the user insights on the other. I intentionally used clear lines to depict the rice cooker, with guiding lines leading to its functionality and the insights.