Der Kurs befasst sich mit der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung,
die im Kontext von Ausstellungen, Museen oder Messen Wissensgebiete verständlich
erfahrbar macht.
Inhalt des Faches Ziel ist das Kennenlernen grundlegender Zusammenhänge im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und der Informationsgestaltung. Die Studenten befassen sich mit grundlegenden Interaktionsformen und medienspezifischen Gestaltungsproblemen, der Beziehung von Text, Bild und Animation sowie der protoypischem Umsetzung oder Simulation solcher Anwendungen.
Our given focus area was “Skin and Hair,” for which we were challenged with developing an interactive museum system to enlighten the users about human hair and skin anatomy. To accomplish this, our initial step was to familiarize ourselves with the subject matter. We achieved this by studying the anatomy of the human hair and skin.
First ideas
The first idea we had was to have a scanner interaction which allows the users to scan their own skin to reveal the skin anatomy. The question we had was how the users would scan the rest of the skin for example, the scalp and footsole.
Skin Scanner
Our second idea was to have a physical doll and a scanner.
This allows the users to scan different body parts to reveal the skin anatomy for each. The question we had was whether the doll would be standing or laying down, and whether the doll would be holding the screen or it will be on the side next to the doll. We chose this idea to further develop.
Doll Scanner
We decided on having a projection of a human silhouette.
The diffrent body parts will be animated to scan with a manual scanner. As you scan the parts Insights and Informtions of the selected bodypart appear. You can also select multiple ones at the same time in order to compare. But the human is not just a projection we also wanted to create a silhouette on top of the table with lasered material.
Sk-in Detail
When we had our final idea we sketched the userflow to see how the interaction will work.
The Userflow
Layout and Moodboard
We have tried out a lot of different layouts where the information fits the best and how it is the easiest way for the user to interact with the scanner and decided on the following layout.
Final layout
Next we had to thought about our moodboard and style. We wanted to illustrate the graphics by ourselves in Procreate to achieve a unified look. We picked out similar colors to the graphics on the book page. Our goal was to make it look simple and clean but also fun. Every important aspect should be shown and recognizable.
The Moodboard
To make the scanner actually work we used Arduino Leonardo. We soldered three different cables onto a circuit board: one for ground and the other two to establish connections within the circuit. Additionally, we installed a resistor. The crucial component was a magnetic reader that activates when a magnet approaches. This feature enabled us to identify the currently selected board. In total, we constructed four circuit boards - one for the scalp, another for the armpit, a third for the footsole, and the fourth for the reset ( the storage location for the scanner).
Final look
Our final screen shows a clean look with illustrations, animations and texts. We are aware that not many people like to read long texts, so we summarised them to highlight only the key information. The color blue indicates that this is something medical related, and which is the reason why we chose this color for the scannable section and the scanner ring.
Final screen
And that is the final outcome how it would look at exhibition.