Technologies open up new possibilities. What meaningful services or products can be created with cutting edge technologies (such as machine learning, augmented reality, sound processing)?
Only 52% of Germans are confident enough to give first aid and only one out of ten people knows when and how to do the stable lateral postition. The main reason for people being unsure or unable to give first aid is, that for many a first aid class has been way back in the past or they never attended one.
The focus
Through our research we found out that there can be communication problems between the first aid helper and the dispatcher. That is because they are only in a call. The use of just one information channel can lead to misunderstandings, especially when it comes to practical instructions.
A difficulty for the first aid helper is feeling uncertain wether they are doing everything correctly.
On the other hand, the dispatcher does not have a good overview of the whole situation because they are only relying on what the other person is telling them.
To solve these conflicts, we want to introduce you to Avis.
Avis is an AR application that supports with visual information during emergency calls to avoid miscommunication.