Die Studierenden haben anhand eines frei wählbaren Themas neue Konzepte für Produkt-Service-Systeme entwickelt, die unter anderem neben Formen der haptischen Interaktion auch digitale Komponenten und Prozesse berücksichtigen.
Zum Vorgehen
Dazu wurden entsprechende Arbeits- und Tätigkeitsabläufe recherchiert und analysiert, Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen zwischen verschiedenen Nutzer*innengruppen und analogen wie digitalen Produkten aufgezeigt, um entsprechende Entwicklungspotentiale zu identifizieren.
Wir haben uns dabei mit unterschiedlichen Modalitäten von Interaktion auseinandergesetzt und anhand der jeweiligen Projektthemen neue Lösungsoptionen erarbeitet. Der Arbeitsprozess umfasste User Research, Anforderungsdefinition, Lösungsentwicklung / Prototyping sowie die Evaluation und Präsentation neuer interaktiver Systeme.
Deaf people also enjoy music, and rather, music learning helps in linguistic development and improvement. However there is a lack of textbooks suitable for deaf children and limited time with teachers. Also, there is a limit to recognizing music by hearing. Therefore, an approach in an integrated sense is needed.
‘Birdnote’ is a product that helps deaf children enjoy music. Help a better music experience through apps and products. It allows deaf children to feel music through sight and touch. Ultimately, it induces interest in music and helps them learn.
Based on the research we chose only piano and drum. Those are a good place to start. They are good materials for visualizing music. We took children’s toys as a reference.
After that, We built the prototype after researching the shapes and sizes. The shape of the product that was then made allows children to hold the product and play. It helped children feel vibrations better by maximizing contact between the product and children. It also helped children visually infer notes through color and size. They can control octaves and sounds in order to find notes that they could hear best.
We created a logo that combines birds and notes. Typography uses round typeface that can give children a familiar impression, and orange is the main color to give them a warm feeling. We use character as a guide of this app.
Music Map
Rhythm mode and melody mode have a map for each journey, and users can choose music. A character was placed at the top to give the impression of a guide to the journey. Rhythm mode expresses the strength through a circle and circle size. And a melody mode visualises the scale through color and height. When the visualized sheet music moves, children can play it as a product. It provides immediate feedback so that children can understand if they are playing well or not without a teacher’s feedback. At the bottom, they can control the play.
The homework page is a space for teachers and children. Children can check their attendance status and notifications. In the notification sheet, they can check the assignment given by the teacher and check the progress.
It helps deaf children experience music better by setting the octave and size that they can hear best through tone setting and sound setting. They can adjust through the product.